Called to order at 5:40 PM by Michael Taylor

Introductions – including announcement that Craig Pietrow will assume position of Chief of Logistics – thanks Craig! He has already started inventorying our various supply caches and balancing out equipment among them. He has backpack materials for those who did not receive all their supplies after graduation. The divisions have been feeding Michael supply needs – those request should now go to Craig.

Michael reminded everyone to get their DSW cards, if they dont have them, by making an appointment with Lori McKenna at 408-868-1240 – details at . If your card has expired, you can contact Lori and ask for a new one without going in for a new picture.

Michael is ordering FRS radios for each CERT member. They should be available in September or October to all Saratoga CERT members with valid DSW cards.

Division updates
Cox – new borders for division
Quito/West Valley – completed logistics inventory
Argonaut – had FRS radio traiing

We will be creating a 4th division: the Vineyard with Jim Foley as lead

Save the date – our annual disaster drill will be October 27th as party of the Santa Clara County CERT drill at Moffat Field – details to follow

Watch for the September CERT newsletter with a summary of training opportunities – remember, most of our refresher training will be from the county (and other cities), with the exception of October 25th, when we will have a 90 minute training class on Traffic Control by Kerry Harris – plan on attending! Details will be in the newsletter and in our calendar (

Rshma Hyder has agreed to take over our IT (roster, website, calendar, communications) over the next month or so…thanks!

The next Ham Cram class is November 17th –

Adjourned 7:10 pm