Attendees:  Peter Commandeur, Jessica Fullmer, Zach North, Bill Church, and Maggie Church.


Blossom Festival –

Table items. Give list to Michael Taylor.


Car show –

June 22, 2018. Shifts available, contact Jessica.


Quito/West Valley Member Roles

Raji Lukkoor and Jessica Fullmer – Co-Leaders

Zach North – Logistics Coordinator


Campbell Program –

Orientation is given to new CERT’s. We like this idea. Bring up

to big CERT group. They also have medical bags for

neighborhoods and have a Commercial Radio license so each

CERT person has a radio. We should look at their program.


New Budget –

Any ideas get them to Michael Taylor. We would like to see

some more foldable stretchers, maybe some medical bags like

Campbell program. Need more colored Triage labels.


Medical items –

Jessica will obtain Excel spreadsheet from Campbell for items

that are in their bags. Maggie will review.


Activation –

All members to sign up for SCC Alert. Also obtain DSW card.



Communicaton –

How do people want to receive information?

  1. Email, 2ndText, 3rdPhone

Would like to develop our process.

Do we use FRS or GMS , Use Channel 11


Future Meeting Topics –

  • Go Bags
  • Map of Neighborhood – familiarize ourselves with neighborhood
  • Radio practice
  • Neighborhood drill – street check-ups.


How often shall our division meet?

Every 2 months

Time 6:00 – 7:30pm



Next Meeting September 20, 2018

Topic:  Go Bags

Everyone bring what you have and we’ll compare to CERT list of recommended items.



Maggie Church