In attendance: Davina Morgan-Witts, Caron Whitacre, Marion Yager, Bob Yager, Susan Schwaderer, Ray Froess, Betty Froess, William Brooks, Candy Brooks, Craig Pietrow, Tina Hubbard, Sally Suckow, John Suckow, Stephen Ng, Chuck Rader (Cox Division)


1. Craig Pietrow distributed FRS radios to those with DSW cards who do not have a radio.

If you have not yet got a Disaster Service Worker card, please get one soon as you will not be eligible to be activated without one. Contact Lori McKenna in the City’s planning office:

2. If you are in need of CERT-related equipment, including a radio, contact Craig direct (email address removed when posting online).

3.The meeting discussed upcoming training opportunities, in particular STOP THE BLEED on April 25. Please sign up at:
at the time of writing there are 4 seats left for the early session, and 13 for the later one.

Other training opportunities are in the monthly Saratoga CERT newsletter, and in the attached handouts:
– 2019 CERT Refresher Training
– Additional Training Opportunities
Please attend all that you can.

4. There are six CERT Academies each year, one in each of the cities in the Santa Clara County Fire Department. Saratoga’s event runs April 30 – May 19. Please encourage friends and neighbors to sign up, particularly those already involved with Neighborhood Watch.

5. The meeting discussed, and Davina later distributed, information on the location of our emergency cache, and other relevant division information including contact information for all active members of the division.

7. Marion Yager volunteered to be deputy logistics supporting William Brooks. Thank you Marion! Our division is in need of a deputy or co-lead to support Davina.

8. Chuck Rader led the group in a focused training session on the first section of the Emergency Operations Plan for Cox Division. He has graciously agreed to lead future sessions covering the remainder of the EOP. Volunteers are needed to help develop Argonaut CERT’s own division EOP. This will be relatively easy as we can build on the work already done by Cox division, editing only the elements that are specific to our division, such as location of cache(s), meeting points, etc. Please contact Davina if you are able to help.